2014, Art, Food, Other cravings, TRAVEL

Twenty fourteen to-do list

It’s day six of 2014 and a lot is going on my mind- adventures, airports, food, and all that jazz. The year is young and a lot is going to happen so I’ve prepared 14 New Year’s resolution/ bucket list. I hope to achieve all these in the 359 days left and enjoy myself as well.

  1. Travel to 2 new countries, at least! More passport stamps, the more exciting! Maybe another trip for the Holidays? I hope so.
  1. Learn how to bake. My mom always says that it’s a waste of a learning opportunity when we have baking equipment at home but no one tries to use it. So I’ve decided to YouTube-learn my way to baking. I should get myself to bake cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and other sweets and pastry that I personally like. It’s gonna be a lot of help on my cousins’ birthdays, sleepovers, tea parties, and other small occasions.
  2. Climb a mountain. It has been, for years, which I have written this on my bucket list. Climbing a mountain for me, would really test my patience and perseverance. And aside from that, I really want to get to the peak and appreciate the view I have reached. Maybe take a selfie, yes? LOL. But seriously, I hope this year I could check this on my bucket list.
  3. Save, save, save! I admit to being a spender. So this year, I vow to keep my hands inside my pockets and not impulsively spend on things that I do not need. Simple as that! Oh, and I have to save for future trips as well.
  4. Get a taste of something new. Literally. Maybe a visit and list of new favorite restaurants and dishes would be great. One Italian, one American, one Filipino, and probably some things exotic. 🙂
  5. Try a new routine. A healthier one, I expect. Since graduation is up and the next phase of my life is not waking up in the comfort of my dormitory bed, I should get a new routine. Maybe one that includes jogging early in the morning before I go to work. That reminds me;
  6. Get a job. Yes, I should live a life independent to my parent’s money. (But it doesn’t mean you have to stop giving me allowance, mom!) I should probably get a job. One that I enjoy and would not quit for at least, I don’t know, 20 years? But, yeah, I should get a job. But before that I should probably;
  7. Graduate on time! The main reason why all trips are postponed until the end of April 2014. Focus, I think, is the main key in achieving this. Keep calm, stay in the zone, and make my teachers happy- my main objectives.
  8. Stop cutting my hair. After trimming down my hair for more than 10 times last year, I suggest (to myself) that I have it grow longer. Or even the longest in my whole life. Maybe adding a color change and a perm but my main goal is to have it looooooooooong before the graduation photos get shot.
  9. Give back. One other thing that I plan for my birthday (aside from having a wild hotel room party with my co-celebrator and best friend, Ina) is to help a community of street children or orphans. It has been a weakness, not only for me but for my mom, dad, and brother that we help children who were not taken care of by their own parents. It is self- fulfilling as well as a joy to give back.
  10. Pay my dues. I have been taken care of, for almost 21 years, by two of the most loving people in the whole universe. I intend to be a good daughter by providing them with occasional free spa gift certificates and making them a nice cup of coffee every now and then. But ultimately telling them how much I love them as often as possible.
  11. Take care of myself. Since school’s almost over (for good), I swear to give myself enough time for beauty sleep, trips to the spa, meditation time, and food trips. It makes me healthy and glowing inside and out. I think it’s time to try to make myself appreciate my own beauty (gosh that sounds so narcissistic and gay).
  12. Pray a little harder. I admit to asking forgiveness from God for not having enough time to pray. But I think I should do a little better to not only strengthen my faith but make me reflect on reconciliation with people I’ve had fights and misunderstandings with. I think it’s high time to be more forgiving and it could only be achieved through soul searching and reflection and prayer, most of all.
  13. Love life and the love of my life. It sounds cheesy, I know. Forgive me, I liked the wordplay. hahaha

But on a serious note, I think I should pay more attention to my boyfriend. He’s been wonderful despite the distance and I know I’ve been unfair and selfish. So I promise to be kinder and spare him some of my attention. He knows how important he is to me so he shouldn’t be all worried and paranoid. Yes, honey, sometimes you are. But chill, have a cup of coffee. 🙂 Finally, I, selfishly speaking, have decided to YOLO (with responsibility) my way through 2014. My life, inclusive of my family, bffs, friends, classmates, and all the rest that comes along, is, to me, important that I enjoy. Welcome, twenty fourteen. I wish that you let me live the fullest this year. ❤


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